Visit USA 2024 Travel Planner Intro


Clockwise from top left: The hottest, driest and lowest place in the U.S., Death Valley covers a vast expanse of California and Nevada. See the daily summer spectacle of hundreds of thousands of bats flying from New Mexico’s UNESCO World Heritage Site, Carlsbad Caverns . Stand on the North or South Rims of the Grand Canyon and marvel at the mile-deep attraction that stretches 277 miles from end to end. The five interconnected Great Lakes comprise the world’s largest freshwater system and are bordered by eight U.S. states. Utah’s Arches National Par k features 2,000-plus red-rock stone arches, hundreds of soaring pinnacles and giant balanced rocks. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is America’s most-visited national park and is so-named for the early-morning fog that hangs over its forest-covered ridges. Eruptions of Yellowstone National Park’s towering Old Faithful geyser are timed to within 10 minutes by the park’s rangers. Gaze at all three of the Niagara Falls cascades from the observation tower jutting out over Niagara Gorge in Niagara Falls State Park, New York.



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